Tuesday, October 31

Appointment – 26 weeks 2 days

BP: 120/71 Weight: 228 (+7)

Went back to the doctor today! We put the surgery “on the books,” so Baby Jake’s official due date is now January 25, 2007! We are SO excited!

The visit was pretty uneventful. I had to drink the gross orange stuff before I went in, and it was as gross as I expected! LOL! I shuttered every time I took a sip! But, when I got there, they took me to the lab (after my potty stop), and luckily she found a vein (in my hand) pretty easily. I hate it when they use my hand, but it’s better than poking my arm 100 times! And HOURS later, my hand still hurts! I don’t know the results of the gestational diabetes test – they will call me tomorrow.

We asked about the flu shot (I need to get one) and about traveling should our team make a bowl (I have the green light through the end of December), and the rest of the visit was routine. Everything is good! He measured my fundus, but we were so busy chatting, I forgot to even ask what he came up with! I wish I hadn’t missed that!

Keeping my fingers crossed for no Gestational Diabetes! I go back in 4 weeks.

Friday, October 27

Baby Jake in 3D/4D

We had our high tech ultrasound yesterday! It was really cool! Not QUITE as detailed as I had hoped, but it was FREE! LOL! And Baby Jake was not as cooperative as we had wanted. He was facing ALL the wrong ways! He moved around a lot, but never to the RIGHT spot! LOL! So, we got a few decent profile shots:

Then, we got two fun videos as well. One of them, he is kneeing himself in the FACE! It is just priceless! He sure is limber!

Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos

And this one he is just hanging out in the womb - doing what babies do best:

Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos

It was a really fun day. Britt and I were talking last night that we might pay to go have it done again a little later in the pregnancy. They like for you to be about 30-32 weeks, so I was a little early. We'll see!

As always, you can see bigger pictures on my Baby Bullet Photo Album. New pics are at the bottom of the page!

Tuesday, October 24

On a non-Jake related note...

We won! AGAIN!

Emma - The cow jumped over the moon; Lara - the cat and the fiddle

We had a great time - and the weather was FABULOUS! In the 70's when we got there, and just a nice evening. Until about 15 minutes before we left when the wind shifted, the temp started dropping, and gusts were like 20 mph! But, we hung in there until all the awards were announced. They always do groups last, so we had to stay! LOL! We won for funniest costume in groups. So, the tradition lives on - that's 4 years in a row that Emma and Lara have won in the groups category. More pressure for next year!!!!

Click here to see the rest of the pictures from our evening.

Just think, we have to wrangle them into those costumes and make-up again next week...

Sunday, October 22

New Nursery Pics!

I finally found some time (with LIGHT) to snap some pics of the nursery a few days ago, and I FINALLY found some time to get them off the camera tonight! LOL! We still have some work to do, but here is a peek:

Ta Da!

And that's just a peek. There are a few more at our on-line photo album that show a few more pictures of the work in progress, and what is used to look like.

Click Here to read the update about what all went into last weekend's "while you were out" makeover!

Oh - and we got some other FUN good news this past week! We are gtting a FREE 3D/4D ultrasound this Thursday in Tulsa! A friend of mine's mom works at an imaging place that i getting a new sonogram machine, and I get to be the "guinea pig" for the compnay rep that is training the techs at the imaging place. Pretty cool! We are very excited! We are taking Emma and Lara with us, too! YAY!

Wednesday, October 18

99 DAYS?!?!?!?!

Did you see that? On my ticker? It says 99 days! Until my C-section! I have made it to the single digits! YAYAYAYAY!

Tuesday, October 17

While I was out…

Britt, his family and friends played a little “While You Were Out” this weekend. The girls and I were banned to my mother’s house, while Britt, his sister, brother-in-law, niece, her boyfriend and a friend of his really did some GREAT work on Jake’s room! I wish I had pictures to share, but I had the digital camera with me. I was going to snap a couple this morning, but the light fixture isn’t up yet, and it is cloudy and foggy here today, so there’s not enough light to take a decent picture.

But, let me assure you, it is GORGEOUS! He matched the blue in the bedding perfectly! They scraped the popcorn off the ceiling and painted it white. Applied primer to the red, blue, green and gold walls, then pained them back two different shade of blue – one on top and one on bottom. Between the two colors of blue, there are LARGE black stick-on circles (Wall Pops)! It is so adorable! Very modern and bright and FUN! I just love the walls! They also ripped out the carpet and put down some kind of snap together wood laminate in a light color. Then, they painted all the trim, woodwork, and DOORS black! It is just AMAZING – such a transformation!

His sister is an artist – she uses aerosol and other mediums – usually on canvas. Well, she went one step further this weekend! She took a table that my mom found YEARS ago and turned it in to a work of art! It was in my bedroom in the duplex, and at one time I used it for a craft table. Anyway – she painted it black (it was white) then made one of her unique creations on the table top. It is GORGEOUS and I just love it!

There are still a few little things that need to be done in the room to finish it up before we can put the furniture in. Plus, Britt is painting all the furniture black, and it is not all quite done yet. There needs to be one more coat of paint on the ceiling, some trim put around the floor, and Britt wants to put up crown molding. All of the furniture needs another coat of paint and then to be reassembled. And the light fixture needs to be painted and re-hung. So, another weekend and it will be DONE! I am so excited – and so THANKFUL that he and his family put so much love and work into it. It is GORGEOUS! (Pictures soon, I promise!)

Monday, October 9

Did I mention it was my birthday yesterday?

Yes, it was. 32. Britt and I are back to being 10 years apart again - after 2 months of being 11 years apart! LOL!

It was a very fun weekend! On Saturday, we traveled to an away football game with many fans from OSU. It was a long trip. On a bus. In Kansas. And we lost the game. But, it was fun to get away. On Sunday - I got to open presents with many different people, then several of my friends took me out for dinner for my birthday. Click on this picture of Britt and I to find pictures of the road trip and of the super fun birthday dinner.

As for Jake, he is keeping me busy! I was awake for a long time Saturday night waiting for him to stop kicking, then Sunday I guess he thought I overdid it a bit this weekend as I had a slight fevel when we left for dinner. A good nights rest lat night, and today was much better. Off to get more sleep now!

Friday, October 6

We got showered!

Had my second baby shower yesterday! It was a come and go lunch at one of my favorite restaurants in town - Mexico Joe's! YUM! It was hosted by the head coach's wife, and attended by many of the other wives and female staff members from around our building. It was really a fun time just to gather and chat and of course open presents! And the CAKE! Isn't that the cutest? Click on the cake to see more pictures from the event.

We got lots more OSU gifts for Jake! We got lots of clothes, too. Still lots of "bigger" items left on our registries, but there is still a family shower later next month to look forward to!

Tuesday, October 3


Britt felt Jake move! It was the coolest thing ever! We were watching Dancing with the Stars. I had been able to see Jake moving since last Friday. I could see my shirt move or my belly do a little dance. So, tonight, and I was laying there watching TV, I saw my shirt move, so I had Britt put his hand on my belly, and right then, Baby Jake kicked - HARD!

It was so NEAT! Britt and I looked at each other and we both started crying! I don't know who was more excited - him or me! He told me to come blog about it since he knew I was so excited!

Jake is really moving a lot tonight! GOOD - since I am loving sharing this with Britt!

Appointment – 22 weeks 2 days

BP:112/72 Weight: 221 (+4)

Short and Sweet!
I like 9:30 am appointments – you get right in and the Dr. is right in to see you. The nurse took my vitals (all good) and “dipped” my urine (all good) and had me wait for the Doctor. He was right in! First thing he did was listen for the heartbeat. He had a hard time finding it – and asked me if I could turn my own heart off for a minute so he could hear better. LOL! Found it! It sounds strong and steady! Then, he looked to see if it was time to measure my fundus, but decided he would do that next time. He did feel for the top of my uterus, and it is right where it should be. Then he looked at my chart, looked at a calendar and said, “So, we’re doing this thing January 25th?” Britt and I were both caught s little off guard with that one! But after further discussion, we remembered that our doctor’s surgery day is Thursday, and that is a week and a half before my due date, so that will probably be Jake’s Birthday!

As I checked out, they gave me the gross orange drink for the Gestational Diabetes test next time. That stuff is so bad! But, at least I get to take it home and drink it an hour before I go in. I remember with the twins I had to drink it in the Doctor’s office, then SIT for an hour! UGH! That was so frustrating!

So, I go back on HALLOWEEN! My lab appointment is at 9:20, then I see the Doc right after that. I can’t believe how quickly this is going now! Found out today that my brother and his wife will probably be delivering their baby girl on December 18! What a GREAT Christmas present!

Had my first baby shower!

Orange Pride, the group of collegiate girls I advise, threw me a baby shower on Sunday! They did a GREAT job! There were fun decorations, GREAT food - including a football shaped cupcake cake - and wonderful presents. Click on the cake picture to see more photos of the event!

I have to say, they really outdid themselves! One gift was a homemade quilt for the baby in an OSU theme - and the back even has his NAME on it! There is a picture of the side with his name in the album. Several of the girls went in together and also got me a gift certificate for a 3D ultrasound! I can't wait to see the results of that! I got lots of fun OSU things for Jake, and really just had a good time haning out with these girls.

I have another one at lunch this Thursday. What a great birthday week!