Tuesday, February 22


main•tain verb \mān-tān, mən-\ 1: to keep in an existing state (as of repair, efficiency, or validity) : preserve from failure or decline
Merriam-Webster says it best. This week I kept [my weight] in an existing state. I totally forgot to weigh myself yesterday morning (it was Monday, after all…), so I did it this morning. I have to admit, I was a little nervous while I waited for the lights to stop flashing. But the bright orange LED number that finally displayed on the little screen between my feet was a familiar one. The same one I saw 2 weeks ago, in fact. Huh. How ‘bout that? Not a loss, but NOT a gain! It’s a small victory!

Last week was INSANE on a personal level. We had a very busy kid week, plus the taping in Edmond on Wednesday, and then Twin A got Strep Throat! But, I had a date with each of my twins over the weekend, and it was so worth it! One-on-one time with my husband is hard enough, but finding time in ALL our schedules for the one-on-one with each child is particularly hard! But, we made it happen! Friday night, Twin B and I went to see a 3D movie of her choice. She picked “Justin Bieber : Never Say Never.” I was not revolted! I had actually watched the E! True Hollywood Story on him a few months back, and was intrigued by his story, so I was piqued to see how the Big Screen told his story. My twitter / facebook status after the movie was “So, I think my new fave color is purple! I think I caught a little #bieberfever!”

Not to be outdone, Twin A’s turn to pick a 3D movie was Saturday afternoon (after her antibiotics made her feel OH SO MUCH better!), and she choose “Gnomeo & Juliet.” Again, not revolted! It was a little tedious, but there were some great one-liners, and she really enjoyed it, and that was the point, anyway! Plus, my husband got some fun kid time both days with the 2 kids I didn’t have at the time, so it was a good time of family bonding!

So, while I was maintaining my weight, I was also maintaining building up our family. I also taught the girls how to make friendship bracelets out of embroidery thread this weekend. I hope I have made memories for them that will last. I think that’s my favorite part of being a Mom!

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