Technically, we still have 2 more days of Spring Break. But, my babies are coming home in about 4 hours, and all chaos will ensue at that point, so there is no time like the present!
Spring Break is an interesting time in our house. The Hubs and I both work for the University, so while our week is (painfully) slow at work, we still have to be there. (Seriously, on Friday, I got to work at 8:10 and literally did not see another soul on campus as I walked from my parking lot to my office!) Plus, we don’t really have anywhere else we are going, so we work. And Little Man’s day care is paid in full for the week, so he hangs out there with the few of his friends with parents like us that work on Spring Break. The last 2 years, the Twisters have spent this week with their Other Dad in the Oklahoma City area. While this time affords us two-on-one time with our son, it still seems eerie not to have the girls in the house!
One bonus to them being gone (besides the food bill for the week is drastically lower)? We (OK, my husband) got to clean their room! All I wanted to do was completely strip and wash every piece of bedding they have. He went through and thoroughly picked up, cleaned, rearranged, and threw stuff away – going so far as to buying large tubs at Wally World to “organize” the floor of the closet. Among the “missing” items he found was a Nintendo DSi game, one SwitchFlop flip flop (no idea where the other one is), and the FLOOR! You can actually see it!
Our boy really missed his big sisters this week. Mainly because I think they entertain him better than we do, but I also think he honestly admires them, looks up to them and loves them. Almost every day while he was at school, he “forgot” they were out of town and he would ask about them on the ride home, or open their bedroom door when we got here to see what they were doing, only to be disappointed. We allowed them to take the cell phone we have as an extra line (we call it the “house” phone and it stays in the house unless there is a good reason one of the girls need to take it with them), and that was a new twist. Monday, we didn’t hear from them at all. Tuesday, I texted them to tell Lady Bug that a friend was trying to get a hold of her. Wednesday got a couple of “I miss you” and “I love you” texts. (I thought that was so sweet, I even tweeted about it!)

TODAY! They will be home today! And then (because the original plan was for them to stay until Sunday) we are taking them to my parents’ house to spend the night so the Mister and I can have date night! Time to reconnect, revisit our dating days, and recharge – Monday morning will come too soon, and no one will be ready for it!
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