Thursday, October 27

Home... For now

Finn is now 3 weeks old.  He weighs 2 pounds 6 ounces.  He is still under the photo therapy lights, is lightly sedated, and is in the middle of his course of steroids to help his lungs.  The settings on the oscillator go down (or get better) every day, and it sounds like once he is off the steroids and remains stable, they will move him back to the traditional ventilator.  Hopefully early next week, but we have no way of knowing for sure at this point.  He is still on 2 kinds of IV fluid for preemies, lipids for extra fat to help him grow, as well as the steroids, and the pain killer/opiate for sedation.  He is doing really well, we just have to keep the progress going!  He is working hard, and it is showing!

I am actually home for a couple of days.  In my house.  With my husband and the Little Dream Weavers. I will sleep in my own bed for several nights.  What a concept!  Tonight we are attending parent/teacher conferences for the girls, and then tomorrow night is Walkaround for OSU Homecoming.  I am very excited to be able to participate in this tradition.  Then Saturday is the parade, and the football game.  It sounds like right now we will forgo the game so we can go back to the hospital to see Finn, as I am sure my withdrawal with be at an epic proportion at that point.  This is the most time I have been away from him.  I know he is in EXCELLENT hands and won’t even miss me, but it’s sad to think I can’t be there for him.  The flip side is I am HOME with my other babies, and they need me too.

Last weekend was SO MUCH FUN!  I want to thank my LTC LifeGroup and my family for helping to make that happen!  We had such a good time just hanging out with each other, staying in a hotel, going to the hospital whenever we felt like it, eating good food, and even seeing the movie “Courageous.”  We were blessed by the gift of getting all dressed up and going to a fancy restaurant one night, too.  What a treat!  We also watched OSU Cowboy football with great friends, and went to church at LifeChurch Edmond with friends on Sunday morning.  We were both a little sad come Sunday morning when we realized that our little fantasy weekend was coming to an end.
But, it was so worth it to get all of the five dream Weavers under one roof again!  PLUS – there was a little “While You Were Out” makeover that happened for Finn while we were on our “vacation.”  Our dear LifeGroup decorated Finn’s nursery for his homecoming!  He doesn’t get his own room, just the whole north wall of our bedroom with a changing table (that was Emma and Lara’s, then Jake’s), a crib (Jake’s), and a wicker étagère with glass shelves that used to house my television.  They decked it all out with baskets for storage, bedding, a rug, and TONS of supplies – all with a precious owl theme!  It even spilled over to our bed a little bit, too!  Here are some pictures:

Also over the weekend, Britt took two adorable video clips of our littlest Dream Weaver.  I spliced them together and put them on YouTube.  I just called to check on Finn this morning, and his nurse (who has never cared for him before today) just went on and ON about how cute he is!  I know I am a bit partial, but I think he is SUPER cute as well!

I am looking forward to this weekend at home, but I already miss my sweet, finicky boy.  Send up extra prayers for him in my absence!


Elizabeth said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the owl theme!!! It seriously looks like a magazine photo- you guys certainly have an awesome life group!!

Robin said...

Oh, I LOVE the video of Finn. He is so adorable! And watching him laugh with all that stuff connected to him... made me weepy happy!! Tons and tons of continued prayers for Finn!!