Friday, December 9

Home, home, home

Such a little word, with so many meanings.  Right now, I am home.  I am in the physical dwelling where my possessions and family reside.  The place where I hang my hat.  Where my heart is.  Or at least, most of it. But, a big part of it is still 70 miles south in a darkened NICU room where my (not quite so anymore) tiny baby is waiting to come from that home to this home.  So he can be home for Christmas.  We all want to go home, and home is different for everyone.  Home from work, home from vacation, home from deployment,  home for the holidays.  HOME.  While I desperately want Finn home, it’s scary to leave the only one he’s ever known.  It’s like his birth, all over again.  Leaving a home that is safe, comfortable, reliable, and KNOWN to go to another place, that while it is safe, comfortable and reliable, it is a GREAT unknown.  A whole new set of circumstances and lessons to be learned.  A new family dynamic.  A new life that God has entrusted to US – we are so unworthy of all his blessings!

Today, we reach another milestone in the long list of NICU moments. Today, Finn’s gestational age is 36 weeks.  It’s almost funny to think I really wanted to stay on bed rest this long.  I can’t imagine STILL being in that bed.  I know I would have done it, if I could have, but God had other plans.  The last couple of days in the NICU I have heard whispers of “home.”  I had a nurse talking to me on Tuesday about signs to watch for when I am bottle feeding Finn at home.   Yesterday, my nurse asked me if we were OK if Finn had to go home on oxygen.  Later in the day, the NICU nurse manager asked me when we were going home – to which I replied, “I don’t know.  You tell me!”  The parents of our roommate asked me when we were leaving for home, and my nurse said he still has some time to serve.  But, those are all new whispers.  I am anxious to ask a doctor this weekend and see if we can narrow that down a bit.  HOME!

Meanwhile, while I am at home, I have other Mommy things to be doing.  Jake’s parent / teacher conference was last night.  We learned that while he is bright, and smart, and helpful, and caring, he has some self-control issues he needs to work on.  Like not pestering his neighbors.  Yeah, we know!  He pesters his sisters at home ALL THE TIME!  We’re working on it.  I also told his teacher he has been the baby, and treated as such, for 5 long years, and bringing Finn home may be a rude awakening for him.  While he is excited to have his baby brother home, I’m not sure Jake gets how much time and care Finn will need and how it will affect him.  Also, Emma and Lara’s 4th grade classes are sang the Fifty Nifty states song at the Friday Assembly this morning.  It was great to be at the school and just be their mom for a minute – not worrying about a homecoming.

Finn is at a gestational age of 36 weeks today, and weighed in last night at 4 pounds 11.5 ounces. This is day 65 in the NICU.  He had 5 of his 8 feedings by bottle 2 partial by bottle, and 2 totally by gavage in the last 24 hours.  His oxygen went down slowly throughout yesterday, but is still pretty high support.  His blood work today was slightly elevated from last time, so this morning they changed the type of nasal cannula he has to see if that helps.  Depending on census in the 2 NICU wings, he may move to the “A Quad” (less critical babies – one to a room) as soon as they wean his oxygen settings some more.  After that? Home. e He

1 comment:

Five Dream Weavers (Betsey) said...

This comments was actually on my facebook page, but I wanted to share it here as it is so great and I LOVED IT!

"Thinking of that baby so long ago who gave up his HOME to come to earth for us also has great meaning to that word. We all want to join Jesus in heaven, but not just yet. HE is our HOME and what glorious news we have to share about His birth at this special time of year. So excited that Finn will be HOME for Christmas and can learn year after year about Christ's birth from his godly parents."

Thanks, Ginger!