Friday, September 23

Friday - turning the calendar

Made it to Friday!  A great day for a TON of reasons!  My top 3 (for this specific Friday) are as follows: 1 - I made it to 25 weeks!  2 - It’s the first day of Fall - so glad to say good bye to the hottest, most oppressive summer on record! 3 - It’s “Field Day” at my kids’ elementary school, so they get to spend a few hours competing in friendly competitions with their friends outside, while raising money for school projects.  They look forward to it every year, and this one is no exception!  We usually work really hard at getting pledges to add to the fund drive, but it just wasn't in the cards this year!  But, they are taking the little bit they did raise, and I know it will make a difference in their school!

I’m a little sad to be missing things at home.  I missed several things this week, and it’s been a bit harder than I thought it would be.  Everything was left in VERY capable hands, but it was still a lonely feeling to know all this fun/exciting/different stuff was going on without me.  I missed my 2 days of set up out at the Fairgrounds for the Adorable Affordables sale - AND the pre-sale shopping frenzy that I love so much.  I missed the parent meeting for the math tutoring program Emma and Lara are participating in.  I missed Lara’s eye doctor appointment where she got to pick out new frames for her new glasses (I hear they are pink and sparkly and I can’t wait to see them!).  I missed Vision Night with Pastor Craig Groeschel at Stillwater.  But most of all, I missed BEING with my family.  Jake called me 2 nights in a row in tears lamenting the fact that he had not seen me in DAYS!  A friend posted on my Facebook wall that we should try Skype.  I have never used it, but I think that might be a good idea.  I downloaded the software, but now I need 2 cameras with integrated mics - one for my laptop here and one for the desktop at home.

I am blessed by visitors, however!  And that is SO NICE on so many levels.  It not only makes the days go faster (which I love), it also helps me feel connected.  Plus, they bring me things I didn’t know I needed!  Like my sweet friend who used to live in Stillwater who is now in the City who had brought her 5 week old son to me TWICE for cuddle time.  Now THAT is a good visit!  :)  But the Lysol wipes, notepads, Diet Cokes, crackers, peanut butter and all the HUGS mean so much.  Thank you to ALL of you for making this more bearable.

I am still bleeding a tiny bit.  No new “incidents,” and I am still stable.  I have the IV in my arm “just in case,” but have had no fluids or meds other than my water I drink diligently, my prenatal vitamin, and the ever present Colace!  I did have some pretty painful (and annoying) groin pain last evening and last night (that is gone now due to a good night’s sleep and a shower) that the nurse helped me figure out was from Finn being LOW in my pelvis with “a body part” (we don’t know which one) that was hitting a nerve.  it was so painful it was making me nauseous!  But, sleeping on my side helped him move away from the area, and I feel fine this morning.

I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!  I am really looking forward to seeing my family  I miss them so much!  And maybe we can get Sykpe set up and Jake and I can pray by computer each night instead of over the phone! 

(PS - Finn has the hiccups right now for the ump-teenth time in the last few days!)

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