Sunday, July 3

Every Pregnancy is Different

They (doctors, websites, books) always say that every pregnancy is different. I always thought, “Aw, it can’t be THAT different, can it?” I remember some marked differences between pregnancy number 1 (which resulted in twin girls born at 39 weeks) and pregnancy number 2 (a son born at 38 weeks), but I figured it was the difference in a twin vs. a singleton, my age (I was 26/27 the first time, 31/32 the 2nd), and genetics. So, here we are, 5 years later, and I am totally buying in to the sentiment!

This last week has been a BEAR. Up until now, if you had asked me how I was feeling, my response was good, pretty good, or fine. I would follow that with “I’m a little sleepy, but other than that, not too bad!” This week, my answer was MISERABLE. First off, it is HOT. Oppressively hot. We have had 14 days of over 100 degree heat and it’s only July 3. We average 10-11 per summer. It’s awful. I have a friend who is 36 weeks pregnant, and I saw her at church last night. I told her I think of her often, because the heat is killing me, and I am not even carrying around a big belly yet, I’m just suffering through the end of my 1st trimester. She promised me I would feel better soon.

So, besides being super-hot, I have just felt yucky all week. Monstrous headaches that Tylenol doesn’t even phase, extreme fatigue, body aches, and irritability. (It’s a good thing I only had one child here this week, it could have been pretty ugly with all 3!) Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, I actually came home for lunch and took naps. I slept HARD until Britt woke me up to go back to work. Thursday, I tried to be brave and actually have lunch with him – was in tears by 2:30 and home in bed by 3:00. Friday I felt a small bit better, even joked about my condition with this tweet: I even made it a whole day of work with no nap, but I slept the evening away! I remember being tired when I was pregnant with Jake, but NOTHING like this. This is tired to the point of emotional distress. I don’t remember crying because I was so tired that I hurt. I don’t remember leaving work. I do remember the mood swings, though! I have heard this phrase uttered more than once by the World’s Greatest Husband: “I can’t wait for you to feel better!”

One of my favorite “predictable” pregnancy symptoms did come back this week: nose bleeds. I remember having some pretty bad spontaneous nose bleeds in the fall and winter with Jake. I just had my first one Tuesday morning when I woke up. I got up to go to the bathroom, and while I was in there, I just felt the blood come running out of my nose. Good times. It didn’t last long, but I know more are coming. Crazy pregnancy side effect! Oh – and another “symptom” that I have noticed more this time than any other pregnancy – unwanted body hair! My upper lip and chin are a zoo (before I got the wax strips out), and my belly, too! So weird. I don’t remember this from past pregnancies…

So, I guess “THEY” are right. This pregnancy sure is different from my others… I have one more week in the first trimester. I am READY to see what the 2nd trimester brings – hopefully some ENERGY!

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