Tuesday, July 26

“Everything Looks Good”

MAN!  Today started off EARLY!  Last night, we took Jake to my parent’s house to spend the night (which was thrilling for everyone involved) since we knew we would have to be up and out the door early bird this morning.  (The girls are away at their other dad’s for the next week.)  I didn’t sleep very well – I never do when I know I have to get up before my normal alarm goes off.  I wake up a million times to look at the clock and see if I over slept!  We both set alarms (on our phones) for the same time, but you never know whose will go off first!  Today, it was Britt’s! We were up and on the road by a few minutes after six.  We had to stop for gas and drinks for the road before we would head out to the highway.  Armed with printed directions, the GPS, and a basic knowledge of where we were going, we were off.  It was nice since the traffic was so light and we were watching the sun rise as we drove.

Finding the hospital was pretty easy.  Figuring out which building exactly was a bit more challenging.  (The paperwork packet they sent to me with this all mapped out arrived TODAY – after my appointment!)    But, we had plenty of time.  So we scoped it out, found where we needed to be, and it was still early, so we drove back out to find some breakfast – Momma was HUNGRY!  We weren’t sure what time the office actually opened, so we headed up about 7:20.  They open at 7:30, and we were the first ones there!  After several pages of paperwork, we were called back to the sonogram room.

I absolutely loved the sonogram technician we had this morning!  I answered several questions about my history and condition and what brought me to them today, and then the scan started.  She spent AT LEAST 30 minutes measuring and looking at SHOCKER to see what she could see, take measurements, etc.  The baby was SUPER active, and she spent a good deal of time chasing to see if she could do a gender determination – no such luck!  After she finished, we were left to wait (for a LONG time) for the doctor to come in.  We were originally scheduled to see Dr. Stanley, but I assume due to the appointment switch, we actually saw Dr. Mirabile.  He came in talking 1,000 miles a minute about pre-natal testing and amniocentesis and 25 other things I was not really able to catch, but finally he asked if we were interested in doing any invasive testing, and Britt and I both said NO.  So, that ended that conversation.  He then took his place in the sonographer’s chair and did some poking around of his own.  While he is not 100% sure WHAT “the spot” is he did take a good look at that area and some measurements as well.  He thinks it is a small chamber within the uterus that has been created by a “band” or “adhesion” of scar tissue from my previous C-sections.  It looks to be filled with amniotic fluid, but he does not think it is bothersome, just something to watch.  He also wanted to confirm what was going on with the fluid leak, so he did a pelvic exam, and found no evidence of any amniotic fluid, so we have closed that chapter.  He wants me to continue to take it easy, and continue pelvic rest, but I can go back to work, and he wants to see me back in 4 weeks.  As we were wrapping things up and saying our goodbyes, he said “Everything looks good.”  BEST. NEWS. EVER!

This was my tweet as we left the doctor’s office (and headed to Target – CANNOT be that close and not stop in):
So relieved.  Still going to have extra scans, extra appointments, and extra care, but I think that’s not so bad, anyway.  I want to thank you ALL for the prayers.  It is so cool to see how many people are praying for our baby and our family.  Your response has been OVERWHELMING and such a blessing.  We love you all, and we thank God for each person that is lifting us up.  Our God is GREATER, and He proved that to us today.  Here’s why...



Isaiah 40:31 NIV  but those who hope in the lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.


Megan said...

This is such great news! Your little family was on my heart all day yesterday! It's little profile is adorable! :) The pictures are so sweet, enjoy getting out of the house!

Ron said...

Side note: I can't read "continue pelvic rest" without SSTM (snickering silently to myself)