Thursday, July 21

Shocker Update

We’re not out of the woods yet… Went in for our follow up with the OB this afternoon.  First stop: Ultrasound.  We got to see Shocker wave at us, hear a nice strong heart rate of 160, and see that my amniotic fluid levels were the same as they were on Tuesday, and still at a good level.  All those fall under the “Praise” category.  Unfortunately, not all of the new was quite this good.  On Tuesday, the technician had pointed out a spot to us on my placenta.  She said it was small and dark, and she was not sure what it was.  She took several pictures of it, but didn’t really say much about it.  That was when she told us my placenta was covering my cervix, as well.  So, today, she was looking at the curious spot again, (perhaps a “placental lake?”  I don’t know what that is…) and she said it looked bigger.  She took some measurements and pictures of it, and then we were done with the scan.

When we got back to see the doctor, he said that he had gone over everything the technician had seen, and he decided I needed to be referred to a specialist.  He told me this doctor he was referring me to was in the top 1% of sonographers in Oklahoma, and they will know better what we are looking at and what needs to be done (if anything).  He said this is nothing to give up hope over, but we need to be diligent and continue to take the extra steps to ensure the heath of this baby and me.

I have to admit, I was a little disappointed in the outcome.  For obvious reasons – I want a healthy baby and an easy pregnancy – and for selfish ones, too.  I don’t want to be on bed rest or limited activity or whatever label you want to give to it.  I thought we would walk in there, all would be fine and resolved, and he would say, "Rest a couple of more days, but by Monday you'll be good to go."  I don’t want people to have to make us dinner.  I don’t want Britt to have to wait on me hand and foot.  If you know me at all, you know I am a bit feisty, and don’t like to be treated like I am fragile.  Heck – have you seen me?  I am the size of a decent high school linebacker!   I am self-sufficient and don’t need kid gloves.  Until now, I guess….

So, my prayer warriors, keep on praying.  For my baby, my uterus, my family, and my attitude.  For the doctors, nurses and technicians.  For safe travels as we go back and forth to the City.  For each other – those of you that are lifting us up are so precious to us, you deserve to be lifted up, too.  I pray for all of you daily, as well.  We can make the Sun Stand Still on this one.  Christmas IS coming, and it will bring with it a Sixth Dream Weaver.  I am confident of that.  We just need to get through the next 6 months!  God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea… Psalm 46:1-2.

PS - I am down another  2 pounds, for a total of 8 pounds lost since my first OB visit!  YAY!


Anonymous said...

Praying for you!! And when you are in the City please call me - I can come sit with you guys, have lunch or just bring you cool beverages. :)

Love you all. Prayers!! g.

April said...

Hang in there Betsey. Glad the news was good! Who is the dr you will see in OKC? I saw Dr. Stanley when I was pg with B - loved him.

Pray~and~Wait said...

Sweet Girl! I hate being "waited" on too. However, I LOVE serving and being able to cook for others and do things for people...but never want people to do things for me. I'm not weak, I can do it! When I was single, I always just knew I could take care of myself. I was fine! Then a wise friend pointed out to me that the same love I have for serving others, others have that same love. He taught me that I need to let people extend grace to me. Allow others to benefit and be blessed by serving me. So, while I know its hard that we are all bringing you dinner and Britt is having to take care of more things than usual, etc....we are so happy to do this for you! We all love you and your family. We are all excited to serve the Body of Christ!

I will definitely keep you on the prayer list everyday! I pray that not only will you and the baby be safe, but that through this you and your family see God move, become more like Christ and share His great name with others!

Love y'all and see you in a few hours. :)

Tanya Breese said...

oh (((betsey))) when will you be seeing the specialist? i'm sure all will be fine and it's great to take all the precautionary and shocker will be in my prayers!!